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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs and Institutional Development

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Application and Enrollment Procedures

Academic Mobility

The Academic Mobility of Exchange Students consists in the accomplishment of international studies within a period of six months to one academic year. In the exchange student modality, international student applications must be submitted institutionally via the International Affairs department of the home institution. In order to apply, the international Student Application Form – Application Form Prointer 08 must be filled in and sent to the Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs in electronic format, along with the following documents:

  1. Academic transcript;
  2. Motivation letter;
  3. Letter written by the International Affairs coordinator of the home institution;
  4. Passport copy.

Upon receiving foreign students’ study applications, the Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs (PROINTER) forwards these requests to program coordinators so they can decide whether the students will be accepted. Their decision is communicated to PROINTER which in turn sends the answer to the applicant. The Office of the Vice Provost also sends the accepted applicant a letter, in possession of which he/she may apply for the appropriate visa at the nearest Brazilian Consulate in order to accomplish his/her studies in Brazil. It is necessary to obtain this visa before arriving in the country. UFC cannot accept students in academic mobility who have entered the country as tourists.

Admission to UFC as a regular student

In order to be admitted as a regular student (in other words, to pursue a full-fledged UFC degree), international applicants must take the Secondary School National Exam (ENEM). The Federal University of Ceará has no legislation in place for the transference of students from foreign institutions. International students who choose to take the ENEM must consult with the Examinations Office (CCV/UFC) beforehand in order to understand the criteria for the registration in this selection process.

Clinical Clerkships at UFC

Medical students wishing to accomplish a Clinical Clerkship at UFC must fill in a specific Application Form (Application Form Prointer 09). In this document, they must specify the start date and the duration of the clerkship, as well as their specialty/discipline preferences, with the duration (in weeks) of the clerkship in each area (e.g.: Surgery 4; Traumatology 2; as per item 6.1 of the form).

In addition to the Application Form for a Clinical Clerkship, students must submit the same documents as those listed in the first paragraph:

  1. Academic transcript;
  2. Motivation letter;
  3. Letter written by the International Affairs coordinator of the home institution;
  4. Passport copy.

Exchange students in their last semester cannot be accepted for a Clinical Clerkship at UFC.

The application procedure for a Clinical Clerkship at UFC generally takes longer than it does for Academic Mobility in general. Therefore, students are advised to submit their applications in advance.

As with general Academic Mobility, PROINTER also sends a letter to the candidate who was approved for a Clinical Clerkship with which he/she can apply for the appropriate visa at the nearest Brazilian Consulate in order to accomplish his/her clerkship in Brazil. It is necessary to obtain this visa before arriving in the country. UFC cannot accept students who have entered the country as tourists.

Information about the enrollment of international students at UFC

After their arrival in Fortaleza, exchange students must then enroll at UFC. To this end, they ought to report to PROINTER submitting the same documents (in print) as those required for the application procedure, among others, listed as follows:

  1. Foreign Student Application Form – Application Form Prointer 08
  2. Academic transcript;
  3. Motivation letter;
  4. Letter written by the International Affairs coordinator of the home institution;
  5. Passport;
  6. CPF;
  7. RNM (or its request protocol).

Afterwards, PROINTER forwards the exchange student’s enrollment application to the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies.

Reception at PROINTER

The opening hours at PROINTER are from 08:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00.

Appropriate dress is required for entering the larger President’s Office, which houses PROINTER. Those sporting such garments as bermuda shorts and/or similar casual attire will not be allowed to enter the building.

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