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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Pró-Reitoria de Relações Interinstitucionais

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Letter to partners | Document Verification

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With a view to contributing to higher security in international communications and fostering a sustainable data management culture, all documents issued and/or certified by our Office are available solely in traceable, electronic form.

Likewise, beginning in 2022, UFC diplomas have been awarded exclusively in digital form, as mandated by federal law.

The means of document verification described below, to all intents and purposes, supersede manual certification by way of stamps, signatures and/or postage.

Feel free to email us at documents@prointer.ufc.br with any questions or requests, but we suggest that you read this entire section before reaching out.
Electronic documents
  • The Federal University of Ceará uses an on-line Integrated System for Academic Activity Management (SIGAA) to allow students, staff and faculty to manage day-to-day academic affairs in a swift and uncomplicated manner.
  • The system allows users to download English-language versions of some academic records (transcripts, degree certificates and proof-of-enrollment letters), and you can check the authenticity such documents by scanning the QR Code in the page footers.
  • Note that UFC issues original, English-language versions of most student records, thereby eliminating the need for “certified translations” of said documents.
  • If you have any questions, please contact us at documents@prointer.ufc.br.
  • Our team uses electronic signatures in translations of diplomas and other paper-based (not originally electronic) documents.
  • Because it adheres to the requirements of the Brazilian Public Key Infrastructure (ICP-Brasil), this type of signature has the same legal standing as a handwritten signature, similarly to eIDAS in the European Union, NIST-DSS in the US, and ZertES in Switzerland).
  • You can check the authenticity of any translation by opening the file in your preferred PDF reader, clicking the digital signature therein and adding our certificate to your list of trusted identities. Should you have further queries about authenticity verification, please contact the translation team at documents@prointer.ufc.br.
Credit, grading and attendance

If you require information on UFC’s credit, grading and attendance policy, please refer to the Official Letters below.

For additional queries, please reach out at documents@prointer.ufc.br.

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