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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs and Institutional Development

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The Milton Santos Project for Access to Higher Education (Promisaes) aims at fostering the technical-scientific and cultural cooperation between Brazil and the countries with which they maintain agreements – especially the ones in Africa – in the areas of education and culture.

The project provides financial support of R$ 622 for foreign students who participate in the Exchange Program for Undergraduate Students (PEC-G) who are regularly enrolled in undergraduate programs at federal higher education institutions. The aim is to aid students with maintaining themselves during their studies, since many of them come from unprivileged countries.

In order to apply for the scholarship, the student must be enrolled in a federal higher education institution and have a good academic performance, per the requirements of their home university.

Source: Ministry of Education

For more information, visit: http://portal.mec.gov.br/promisaes

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