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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs and Institutional Development

Área do conteúdo

Our Mission

Internationalization of the academic world
Internationalization is one of the main challenges for universities at the beginning of the 21st century. As is well known, the process of globalization has had a deep impact in all regions of the world and in all aspects of life. All nations need to join forces to solve the problems that threaten our future: climate change, the unlimited exploitation of natural resources, the destruction of biological diversity, social inequality and ethnic and religious tensions, to name a few. Universities must naturally be at the forefront of this common effort to be accomplished by humanity. Thus, internationalization at UFC is not an option, it is an obligation.

Internationalization in Research
Scientific cooperation and exchange represent the classical dimension of internationalization. Researchers from different countries and institutions cooperate in the elaboration and in the execution of scientific projects, accomplishing missions and internships as well as taking part in international events. We are proud of having established research agreements with a large number of excellent universities worldwide. It is one of our missions at PROINTER to initiate, implement and monitor such agreements, providing the necessary information and support for researchers at UFC who intend to institutionalize their international collaborations. Furthermore, PROINTER is dedicated to amplifying and deepening the cooperation with international companies and enterprises.

Internationalization in Teaching
In the future, there will be no high-level professional activity unaffected by the impacts of globalization – academically or otherwise. It is crucial for UFC to qualify undergraduate and graduate students so that they can engage and cooperate with the international academic elite, competing with the best students in the world. In order to do so, UFC promotes the study of foreign languages and cultures. In this context, PROINTER, in partnership with the different departments and graduate programs at UFC, promotes the offering of courses taught in English and eventually in other languages, respecting the conditions and requirements specific to each area. Furthermore, PROINTER is also committed to offering information and support to UFC students regarding the realization of placements abroad.

Institutional Internationalization
Considering the quality of its research, teaching and extension activities, UFC already competes in the most diverse areas at the international level. In order to maintain and further develop UFC’s academic excellence, it is crucial to facilitate the reception of foreign professors and students in our university, as well as making the accomplishment of foreign placements of our faculty and undergraduate and graduate students more productive and efficient. Therefore, PROINTER aims at fostering the improvement of the administrative processes involved in such ventures, as well as promoting the compatibility of our curricular structures and teaching organization with international models. It is one of our roles to assist foreign students who intend to study at UFC by providing the necessary procedural and legal information, and also aiding them when it comes to their official registration and settlement at UFC and in Brazil.

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