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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs and Institutional Development

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The Office of the Vice Provost for Inter-institutional Relations is the entity responsible for promoting and coordinating UFC’s relationships with foreign institutions in education, science, and culture. It provides support for the implementation of international agreements and accords, and since mid-2019, it has been involved in efforts to promote entrepreneurship and innovation within the institutional context.

In order to enhance UFC’s internationalization efforts, PROINTER guides professors, technical-administrative staff, and students in the process of establishing agreements with foreign institutions and participating in undergraduate and postgraduate programs abroad. Additionally, the department offers academic support and guidance on legal and institutional matters to its own students, staff, and professors, as well as to students and professors from other countries who come to Brazil for exchange activities.

Furthermore, the actions related to institutional development aim to solidify policies of innovation and entrepreneurship within our institution. These efforts encompass the work carried out at the university’s Technology Park, collaborations between UFC’s laboratories and major technology multinational companies, innovative entrepreneurship scholarships for students implemented in 2020, and the entrepreneurial focus that has been shaping the education of students from undergraduate to doctoral levels in various knowledge areas.

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